
Basic Features

All projects generated with Hoboken have the following common features:

  • sets up sinatra-asset-pipeline (non-API projects only)
  • a Rakefile with tasks for running tests or specs
  • scripts for common tasks: installing dependencies, starting the development server, and starting a console (with racksh support)
  • uses Puma as the default web server
  • erubi templating; HTML escaping is on by default
  • uses test-unit by default (RSpec can also be used, see the --test-framework option under the generate command)
  • Rack::Csrf is turned on by default
  • environment variable support via the dotenv gem
  • Procfile for foreman support; if foreman is not installed uses rackup instead
  • code reloading via the rerun gem is enabled for the development environment
  • pry-byebug for debugging
  • custom Rack::Test helpers and assertions (or matchers for RSpec)

Project Structure

Projects are generated with the following structure:

Gemfile Your app's dependencies
Procfile Specifies the commands that are executed by the app on startup (foreman must be installed separately)
Rakefile Basic app tasks
app.rb The main application file
config.ru Rackup file
/bin Helper scripts for installing dependencies, starting the development server, etc.
/config Application configuration (Puma, etc.)
/public Static assets (i.e. css, js, images)
/tasks Various Rake task definitions
/test or /spec Basic unit test and test helper support
/views Your app's views (not present if --tiny option was used)

The app.rb file contains the main Sinatra application. If the --modular option is used, the application will inherit from Sinatra::Base. Refer to the Sinatra documentation on classic vs. modular applications for more information.

General Command Reference


Generate a new Sinatra app

$ hoboken generate [APP_NAME]


Specify a Ruby version for the Gemfile. By default it will use the currently installed version.
[--tiny], [--no-tiny]
Generate views inline; do not create /public folder.
Architecture type (classic or modular). Default is classic.
[--git], [--no-git]
Create a Git repository and make initial commit.
[--api-only], [--no-api-only]
API only, no views, public folder, etc.
Testing framework; can be either test-unit or rspec. Default is test-unit.

Rake Tasks

By default all newly generated projects will have the following Rake tasks available.

$ rake ci
Runs tests (or specs) and any configured linting add-ons
$ rake test:all
Run all tests (test-unit only)
$ rake test:integration
Run tests for integration (test-unit only)
$ rake test:unit
Run tests for unit (test-unit only)
$ rake spec
Run all specs (RSpec only)


Describe available commands. If COMMAND is given, describe the specific COMMAND.

$ hoboken help [COMMAND]


Print version and quit.

$ hoboken version

Add On Command Reference


Support for Airbrake error reporting.

$ hoboken add:airbrake

Sets up Airbrake middleware.

GitHub Action

Github action that runs CI task

$ hoboken add:github_action

Adds a GitHub Action workflow that runs the ci Rake task.


Heroku deployment support.

$ hoboken add:heroku

Createa a .slugignore file and configures $stdout for Heroku logging. All Hoboken projects contain a Procfile by default, which Heroku will use to start the application.


Internationalization support using sinatra-r18n.

$ hoboken add:i18n

Adds the sinatra-r18n gem to the project's dependencies and creates an i18n folder with a sample translation file.


Adds metrics utilities to project (flog, flay, simplecov).

$ hoboken add:metrics

Adds flog, flay, and simplecov to the project dependencies. Adds two rake tasks for running flog and flay. Modifies the test (or spec) rake tasks to run with simplecov. The coverage report is generated in the tmp/coverage folder.


Authentication capability via the Omniauth gem.

$ hoboken add:omniauth

Running this command will prompt you to select an Omniauth provider and version. It will stub out 3 new handlers for Omniauth in app.rb. In addition, it will create unit tests (or specs) for the stubbed out handlers.


Adds Rubocop support.

$ hoboken add:rubocop

.rubocop.yml and Rake task. The default ci task is also modified to run Rubocop after tests/specs.


Provides database support via the Sequel gem.

$ hoboken add:sequel

Adds the Sequel gem as a dependency. Also adds the sqlite3 gem for dev and test environments. You will need to specify your own database provider for production. Access to the database is handled via DATABASE_URL which either needs to be exported as an environment variable or added to the project's .env file. A config/db.rb file is added to set up the database.

A db/migrate folder is created for migrations. Two rake tasks for migrations are also created:

$ rake db:migrate
Migrate the database to the latest version.
$ rake db:reset
Perform migration reset (full erase and migration up).

The project's test_helper.rb is adjusted to include a helper class for unit tests that touch the database. When a unit test class inherits from this, it will set up a test database and apply any migrations. Each test is run in the context of a transaction that will be rolled back after each test is run.

If RSpec is used, the project's spec_helper.rb is adjusted instead. Any spec tagged with database: true will be ran inside a database transaction that will be rolled back when the spec completes. Specs that use the rack: true tag will also have this database rollback functionality.


Adds Sidekiq support.

$ hoboken add:sidekiq

Sets up Sidekiq via a config/sidekiq.rb file. Adjusts config.ru to mount the Sidekiq UI. In production, the Sidekiq UI is protected via Basic Auth. Also adds a Sidekiq entry to the Procfile.

Sinatra ActiveRecord

Provides database support via the Sinatra ActiveRecord gem.

$ hoboken add:active_record

Adds the sinatra-activerecord gem as a dependency. Also adds the sqlite3 gem for dev and test environments. You will need to specify your own database provider for production. Access to the database is handled via DATABASE_URL which either needs to be exported as an environment variable or added to the project's .env file.

A db/migrate folder is created for migrations. Rake tasks are also provided. Refer to the sinatra-activerecord gem for more information.

The project's test_helper.rb is adjusted to include a helper method for unit tests that touch the database. When a unit test class inherits from this, it will set up a test database and apply any migrations. Each test is run in the context of a transaction that will be rolled back after each test is run.

If RSpec is used, the project's spec_helper.rb is adjusted instead. An around block is added that handles the roll back for each spec example.

Travis CI

Basic Travis-CI YAML config.

$ hoboken add:travis

Sets up a minimal .travis.yml file.


Support for writing Turnip acceptance specs.

$ hoboken add:turnip

Sets up Turnip specs. Adds a Rake task to run them; also adds the task to the CI task.

This add-on requires the use of RSpec.

Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap via the bootstrap gem.

$ hoboken add:twbs

Twitter Bootstrap support via the bootstrap gem. Adjusts styles.scss and app.js to include bootstrap directives.


Support for the VCR gem.

$ hoboken add:vcr

Sets up VCR configured with webmock.