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ClojureScript with Middleman via Shadow-CLJS
Ruby's Middleman is my preferred tool when I need to generate a static website. In this post I'm going to show you how to set up a Middleman project that uses ClojureScript instead of the default JavaScript or CoffeeScript that ships with Middleman...

I’ve been playing around with Clojure and ClojureScript for awhile. So far I’ve always used Leiningen for managing dependencies and build tasks. I recently decided to give Boot a try. I needed to create a Boot task for compiling Selmer

xclip for Ubuntu
Awhile back I wrote about pbcopy
for OS X. These days I find myself using Ubuntu quite often and missed having pbcopy
. Turns out there is a package called xclip that does the same thing on Ubuntu! Give it a try!

Rails Data Migration Results
When writing data migrations, it can be useful to know the number of records that were updated / created. If you run your migration in a Rails console, ActiveRecord will print out the database response object like this for PostgreSQL:
2.1.5 :008 >

OS X pbcopy
OS X has a nifty utility program named pbcopy
that I just learned about which can be used to copy things to the system clipboard.
For example:
cat foo.txt | pbcopy
or pbcopy < foo.txt
will copy the contents of foo.txt
onto the system clipboard.

Iceberg Classes and Inheritance
Better developers than I have written about iceberg classes and why they are a code smell. I’d like to talk about a specific kind of iceberg class I’ve recently come across. This type involves inheritance. Here’s an example of what I mean.
class Job

Database Tests with Rollbacks in Clojure
I recently purchased a beta version of Eric Normand’s Intro to clojure.test screencast. In it, he demonstrates how to use the use-fixtures
function to set up and tear down state for tests. The function can be used for :each
test run, or :once
. For...

Hoboken: A Sinatra Project Generator
I'm a huge fan of the Ruby web library, Sinatra. I think its biggest strength is that it allows me to structure my applications to fit the problem at hand, instead of trying to shoehorn my problem to fit a pre-determined structure.
A couple of years...

Setting Up Middleman with Jasmine
Currently, my favorite tool for generating static websites is Middleman. I recently wrote my version of the TodoMVC app using Middleman and KnockoutJS. I wanted to use Jasmine for my unit tests and had a little trouble setting it up. Here are the steps...

GitScore Parts 2 & 3
Here are parts 2 & 3 to the GitScore project. They are a follow-up to an earlier post. I originally intended the screencast to be two parts, but I had to split up part two so that I would be under the allowed YouTube length. I've also put the example...